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Pablo Alberto Giménez

San Isidro

Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

pagimenez @

Telegram: @pablogimenez

  • Telegram @pablogimenez
  • LinkedIn @pablogimenez
  • Twitter @pablogimenez
  • Instagram @pabloagimenez
  • Facebook @pablogimenez
  1. Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry, graduated from the School of Chemistry at Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, March 26th, 1993

  2. Secondary School: Bachiller,  graduated in José Hernández School, Villa Ballester, December 1987.

More information
Pablo Giménez in Linkedin
Resumé Pablo Giménez
Job Experience (since current position)
  • Latin America CMO Quality Lead  &  Latin America R&D Quality Lead
    (Contract Manufacturing Operations)
    Since December 1st, 2024 – 
    Current position

  • Latin America CMO Quality Lead
    (Contract Manufacturing Operations)

    Since July 18th, 2022 – November 30th, 2024 (2 years and 4 months)

GlaxoSmithKline (28 years)

  • Latin America CMO Quality Lead
    (Contract Manufacturing Operations)
    Since May 3rd, 2021 to July 17th, 2022 (1 year and 2 months)

  • Regional Quality Integration Lead, Latin America
    August 22nd, 2019 to May 2nd, 2021 (1 year and 8 months)

  • CMO Senior Quality Manager, Latin America
    (Contract Manufacturing Operations)
    September 1st, 2015 to August 21st, 2019 (4 years)


  • Quality Manager, Latina External Supply
    (External Supply Quality)
    June 1st, 2014 to August 31st 2015 (1 year and 2 months)

  • Regional Manufacturing Support Manager, Latin America
    (Consumer Healthcare Supply Chain)
    January 1st, 2013 to May 31st, 2014 (1 year and 5 months)


  • Validation Head and Packaging Material Control Head
    (Quality Assurance)
    August 30th, 2002 to December 31st, 2012 (10 years and 4 months)


  • Validation Head and In-Process Control Head
    (Quality Assurance)
    October 22nd, 2001 to August 30th, 2002 (10 months)


  • Betalactamic Solids Head
    (Production Operations)
    October 22nd, 2001 to August 30th, 2002  (10 months)

GlaxoWellcome Argentina (Munro site)

  • Validation Head and In-Process Control Head
    (Quality Assurance)
    February 2nd to October 21st, 2001 (9 months)


  • Validations Head
    (Quality Assurance)
    August 15th, 1999 to February 1st, 2001 (1 year and 6 months)


  • Clean Liquids Value Stream Head
    (Production Operations)
    August 17th, 1998 to August 14th, 1999 (1 year)


  • Clean Liquids Department Head
    (Production Operations)
    September 1st, 1997 to August 16th, 1998 (1 year)


  • Clean Liquids Department Supervisor
    (Production Operations)
    November 1st, 1996 to August 31st, 1997 (9 months)

Glaxo Argentina

  • Metered Dose Inhalers Department Supervisor
    (Production Operations)
    August 1st, 1994 to October 31st, 1996 (2 years and 2 months)


Unicenter Shopping

  • Auditor
    (Audits Department)
    August 9th, 1993 to July 31st, 1994 (1 year)


Job Experience: Temporal Assignments
(since last assignment)


  • GlaxoSmithKline Costa Rica, San José site
    (Quality Assurance)
    Remediation plan, support to GSK Costa Rica
    February  13th to  24th, 2012


  • GlaxoSmithKline Costa Rica, San José site
    (Quality Assurance)
    Remediation plan, support to GSK Costa Rica
    September 28th to  October 12th, 2011

  • SAP R/3 Validation Coordinator
    (Quality Assurance)
    SIGA project for SAP R/3 computer system deployment in GlaxoWellcome Argentina
    March 31st to August 14th, 1999

  1. English: Full professional proficiency

  2. Portuguese: Full professional proficiency

  3. Spanish: Native

Licences & Certifications
  1. Operational Excellence Lean Sigma Expert
    GlaxoSmithKline - October 2009


  2. Operational Excellence Green Belt
    GlaxoSmithKline - May 2005

Public presentations (chronological order)
  1. Seminar: “Computerized Systems Validation”, Sociedad Argentina de Farmacia y Bioquímica Industrial (SAFYBI), Buenos Aires, November 6 to 7, 2000

  2. Seminar: “Mejora de la competitividad de la cadena de valor Clientes-Proveedores de la industria farmacéutica”, IPACE, May 29th, 2008

Seminars and Courses taken (chronological order)
  1. Workshop: “STN Basics, Introduction to online searching”, Asociación Química Argentina (AQA), Buenos Aires, July 12th, 1993

  2. Course: “Introduction to gas chromatography”, Asociación Química Argentina (AQA), Buenos Aires, August 23 to 27, 1993

  3. Course: “IR y UV – visible spectroscopy”, Asociación Química Argentina (AQA), Buenos Aires, September 1 to 3, 1993

  4. Seminar: “Analytical detection of failures”, Kepner-Tregoe International, GlaxoWellcome Argentina, July 31st to August 4th, 1995

  5. Workshop: “Quality Improvement”, GlaxoWellcome Argentina, November 1995

  6. Course: “Biological Control of non sterile pharmeceutical products”, Instituto Nacional de Medicamentos (INAME), December 9 to 13, 1996

  7. Curse: “Packaging & Packaging”, Sociedad Argentina de Farmacia y Bioquímica Industrial (SAFYBI), May 22,and 29; May 5 and 12, 1997

  8. Seminar: “Effective interaction”, Wilson Learning, GlaxoWellcome Argentina, June 3 to 4, 1997

  9. Seminar: “The personal contribution to the team”,Wilson Learning, GlaxoWellcome Argentina, July 21st,1997

  10. Course: “Cleaning as a part of the production process – Criteria and validation methodology”, Sociedad Argentina de Farmacia y Bioquímica Industrial (SAFYBI),  August 11 and 14, 1997

  11. Seminar: “Negotiating Yes… agreeing”, Wilson Learning, GlaxoWellcome Argentina, September 15 to 16, 1997

  12. Course: “Statistical fundaments of sampling”, Asociación Química Argentina (AQA), October 7 to 10, 1997

  13. Seminar: “Management Leadership”, Wilson Learning, GlaxoWellcome Argentina November 10, 11 and 12, 1997

  14. Course: “Visual Basic for Applications - Microsoft Excel macros programming”, Executrain Argentina, November 17 to 18, 1997

  15. Seminar: “Taking decisions as a team”, Wilson Learning, GlaxoWellcome Argentina December 10th, 1997

  16. Course: “SAP R/3 - SAP20 – System overview”, SAP Argentina, September 4th, 1998

  17. Course: “SAP R/3 - LO050 – Production Planning & Control”, SAP Argentina, 28 September 28th to October 2nd, 1998

  18. Course: “SAP R/3 – AC505 – Product costs calculations”, SAP Argentina, October 5 to 7, 1998

  19. Course: “SAP R/3 – LO705 – Quality basic functions”, SAP Argentina, October 19 to 21, 1998

  20. Course: “SAP R/3 – LO545 – Materials quality management”, SAP Argentina, October 22 to 23, 1998

  21. Course: “Train the trainers”, TeC Consultores, GlaxoWellcome Argentina, September 27th and October 5th, 1999

  22. Course: “Problems solving, Taking decisions, Efficient meetings”, Agora S.A., GlaxoWellcome Argentina, October 13 to 14, 1999

  23. Course: “Situational Leadership”, Agora S.A., GlaxoWellcome Argentina, November 2 to, 1999

  24. Course: “Team Building”, Agora S.A., GlaxoWellcome Argentina, November 29 to 30, 1999

  25. Seminar: “Time management”, Arthur Andersen, GlaxoWellcome Argentina, December 13th, 1999

  26. Seminar: “Projects management – Cross Training Program”, GlaxoWellcome Argentina, September 13 to 15, 2000

  27. Seminar: “Laser diffraction particles characterization”, CAS Instrumental – Malvern Instruments Ltd., Buenos Aires, September 27th, 2000

  28. Seminar: “Production Processes – Cross Training Program”, GlaxoWellcome Argentina, October 17 to 18, 2000

  29. Course: “Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Level 1”, EXO Training Center, Buenos Aires, November 17th, 2000

  30. Seminar: “Lean Sigma – Six Sigma”, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina, January 2001

  31. Course: “GSK Computer Validation Fundamentals”, GlaxoSmithKline, Río de Janeiro, Brazil, November 11th, 2002

  32. Course: “Using Electronic Records and Signatures at GSK”, GlaxoSmithKline, Río de Janeiro, Brazil, November 12th, 2002

  33. Course: “Requirements Phase for GSK Computer Systems”, GlaxoSmithKline, Río de Janeiro, Brazil, November 13th, 2002

  34. Course: “Computer Systems Testing and Qualification”, GlaxoSmithKline, Río de Janeiro, Brazil, November 13th, 2002

  35. Course: “Computer Systems Inspection Readiness”, GlaxoSmithKline, Río de Janeiro, Brazil, November 14th, 2002

  36. Course: “Auditors training – Quality Management System”, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina, April 14 to 15, 2003

  37. Workshop: “Global Quality, Validation Workshop”, GlaxoSmithKline, London, UK, July 1 to 3, 2003

  38. Seminar: "Integration Programme; Change - Personal domain – Communications and high performance teams - Coaching and Leadership - Integration", Alejandra Spriegel Consultora, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina,  June to December, 2003

  39. Workshop: “Validation Workshop”, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina, March 8 to 11, 2004

  40. Course: “Train the Trainer”, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina, August 19 to 20, 2004

  41. Course: “High impact presentations”, Dale Carnegie Training, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina, August 24 to 31, 2004

  42. Course: “The art of negotiating – 3rd Edition”, IAE – Escuela de Dirección de Negocios – Universidad Austral, October 25 to 27, 2004

  43. Course: “Operational Excellence: Leading and managing Lean Sigma”, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina, May 2005

  44. Workshop: “Global Quality Validation Workshop”, GlaxoSmithKline, London, UK, June 14 to 16, 2005

  45. Course: “Leading Edge”, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina, May 4, 8, 18 and 22, 2006

  46. Workshop: “Computer Systems Validation – Electronic Records & Electronic Signatures”, GlaxoSmithKline, Xochimilco, México, June 6 to 8, 2006

  47. Workshop: “Quality Leadership Edge”, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina, October 22 to 23,  2007

  48. Course: “Operational Excellence Lean Sigma Expert”, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, Raleigh, USA, November 28th to October 2nd, 2009

  49. Course: "Modern Project Management Foundations", MetaControl Project Management, GlaxoSmithKline Argentina, September 4, 6, 18, 20 and 25, 2012

(Updated: November 2024)

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